Rock & Ritzy

We'll Keep the Girl Power on For You!

Spring Cleaning vs. Spring Dusting

Courtney Cox

Spring is here!

That means it out with the old and in with new…. so they say…

Let’s face it spring cleaning is EXTREMELY hard!

Letting go of things can be so difficult, especially when you know at some point in your life… you felt like you needed this, so why let it go!? *inserts Kanye shrug*

Leave it to us to find a-way-around spring cleaning! It’s so early 80’s…(probably earlier than that but we’ll leave it in the 80’s). We like to call this Spring Dusting-Rock & Ritzy Style!

It consist of 3 Things:

1. Not giving anything away.

2. Not giving ANYTHING away.

and last but not least…….


First, let’s start off with the good ole hanger flip trick! This was introduced to us by one of our ROCK & RITZY dolls and we absolutely love it! Start off with all your clothes hanging from one direction and once you wear the garment…FLIP the hanger and have that particular piece face the opposite direction. This will help you identify what items you wear vs. which ones you haven’t touched all year.

We’d like to think this gives you a sense of awareness on what could potentially be donated the next year.

Next, fold all your clothes and place them in your dresser where you can see each piece of clothing… I know, talk about time consuming and getting creative! But, it’ll be so worth it!!!! You’ll be able to see EVERYTHING in your drawers, plus you’ll be more likely to wear that shirt that is usually stuffed in the back of your dresser….cause you can see it!

Finally, don’t forget about your purses and shoes! Since we’re in the organizing mood..might as well get them organized too. To save on space for your purses, we like to place one purse inside of another purse (things you want to consider: the size of the bag…lets not try to squeeze a jumbo bag inside of a clutch mmkay!) And for your shoes if you don’t have a shoe rack, simply line them up! We like to line ours up by color then designer. An organized shoe section will make you closet appear clutter free!

We made it through without having to give anything away!!

Now if you follow these tips & once you’re ready to give items away, You’ll have a clear view of which items you wear most frequently and which pieces you don’t wear that often!


The Rock & Ritzy Team!